Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Day One: Life is Worth Living


“Life is Worth Living.” That’s the message posted a few times before getting onto the Tappan Zee Bridge. If someone is suicidal and ready to jump off a bridge, would that sign work? Like the person just never thought of it before or the sign is a reminder for them. “Oh yeah, I forgot that life is worth living. Phew, that was a close one.” It is really sad though. There was a suicide hotline number on the big screen before going on the Delaware Bridge. That is a little more helpful at least, if the person remembered to bring their cell! HA! O.k. no more joking about suicide.

On a lighter note, the bridges over the Delaware River and Susquehanna River provided beautiful views! I wanted to pull over and take pictures, but decided against it considering there was no place to pull over. It was pretty magical when, after driving in rain all day, the sun came out while I was on the Delaware Bridge. Very cool!

Why didn’t anyone tell me about the excessive tolling from N.J. to Maryland? Absolutely insane! You get off the N.J. turnpike and pay $4.50 and then about a mile later you pay another toll. It was comical.

So the first day of my adventure was a packed one! I will definitely do less driving tomorrow to give my butt a break! I am writing this in Word and saving it because the internet signal here at the Silver Springs Days Inn is one bar…I can’t get onto the internet. GRRRR… My plan is to sleep in and then check out and find a Starbucks so that I can get online. Need to check and send emails and check out facebook. SCRABBLE! I also want to research where the cheap hotels are in the areas I want to go to. Not sure I want to go all the way to Ohio, but that is because I am exhausted right now!


9:00-1:00ish Drove from Burlington, Ma. to Montclair, N.J.

1:00-3:00ish Private tour of the amazing Wyeth collection at Montclair Art Museum and yummy Turkish lunch with Erica

3:00-7:00ish Drove from Montclair, N.J. to Silver Springs, Maryland and checked in to the Days Inn.

7:00-7:15ish Got everything into my room so I wouldn’t have to do it in the dark.

7:15-9:00ish Drove to Eric’s in Chevy Chase, MD…about 10 minutes from my hotel. Had dinner in Bethesda with Eric and Erin. FUN!

Very tired, but had a great day! I stopped at a rest area every hour and a half or so to stretch out my legs and go to the rest room. I started the trip with about half a tank. I had to fill it once, and it is close to empty now. Not too bad for 8 hours of driving!

Where will I go next? Stay tuned…

Life is Worth Living!

1 comment:

  1. Good grief Mel! WHERE are you headed? Now you want to drive to upstate NY? Hope you brought your debit card. You're going to be using a lot of gas. Go see Niagra falls. Take the cheesy boat ride and see the falls from the Canadian side at night. Oh, and keep posting. Did you make Montclaire NJ in 3 hours and 30 minutes?
